“The arts scene in Oklahoma City is more vibrant and alive than ever, and Windsong is proud to be a part of this thriving community.”
Becoming a Windsong Sponsor
Windsong is a fantastic addition to the renaissance of the arts in Oklahoma City. Would you consider sponsoring our next concert? Concert sponsorships are available in three levels:
Bronze Level Sponsor - $500-$999
Bronze sponsorships receive the following benefits:
* 6 Donor Level seats at the concert
* Sponsorship recognized in concert program
Silver Level Sponsor - $1000-$1499
Includes all Bronze benefits, plus:
* 8 Donor level seats at the concert
* Sponsorship recognized in all printed materials (posters, postcards, etc.)
Gold Level Sponsor - $1500 or more
Includes all SILVER benefits, plus:
* 10 donor level seats at the concert
* Sponsorship announced at the concert
* A banner display recognizing the sponsorship in the foyer
Windsong relies on the generous support of patrons near and far to fund its concerts, recordings and everyday operations. Your support will allow Windsong to continue to prepare and perform choral music that will enrich and elevate the lives of the community. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today by simply clicking on the Donate button. Your generosity makes a meaningful difference and keeps us singing.